NeRF Papers for Thu May 2 2024

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Priors and Generative

Priors can either aid in the reconstruction or can be used in a generative manner. For example, in the reconstruction, priors either increase the quality of neural view synthesis or enable reconstructions from sparse image collections.
Figure 1. Comparison between baseline and NC-SDF. Stateof-the-art neural implicit surface representations produce suboptimal reconstructions with noisy or missing surfaces, primarily due to multi-view inconsistency between monocular geometric priors. Our NC-SDF introduces a view-dependent normal compensation model to adaptively learn and correct biases in normal priors. This approach enables the recovery of intricate geometric details while ensuring smoothness in texture-less areas within reconstructions.
NC-SDF is a neural signed distance field (SDF) 3D reconstruction framework that addresses multi-view inconsistency issues by integrating view-dependent biases into the normal priors. This correction method enhances reconstruction quality by improving global consistency and local details. Additionally, NC-SDF introduces informative pixel sampling and a hybrid geometry modeling approach, showing superior performance compared to existing methods in synthetic and real-world datasets.


These papers address more fundamental problems of view-synthesis with NeRF methods.

NeRF-Guided Unsupervised Learning of RGB-D Registration

Zhinan Yu, Zheng Qin, Yijie Tang, Yongjun Wang, Renjiao Yi, Chenyang Zhu, Kai Xu
Fig. 1: We propose NeRF-UR, a frame-to-model optimization framework for unsupervised RGB-D registration. The registration is first bootstrapped with synthetic data, and then fine-tuned on real-world data under guidance of NeRF (top). Although the frame-to-frame method can successfully register the easy case (bottom-left), it cannot register the case with lighting changes and low overlap (bottom-right). On the contrary, our method effectively register the hard case.
NeRF-UR introduces a frame-to-model optimization approach for unsupervised RGB-D registration, using a neural radiance field (NeRF) as a global scene model. By leveraging the consistency between input frames and NeRF-rerendered frames, the method improves robustness in scenarios with poor multi-view consistency. The framework includes a synthetic dataset, Sim-RGBD, for initial model training before unsupervised fine-tuning on real data, achieving superior performance on ScanNet and 3DMatch datasets.